

• The project proposal takes into account the history of the intervention context, and the
previous expressive / artistic projects carried out thanks to the program;
• An insight into the process, in 4 stages:

1 In the first phase, the participants collect the memories (oral, written, material), directly
interviewing the elderly and the partisans, and developing the collection of local and
international memorials;

2 These memories are then discussed during debates and screening sessions, round
tables and training sessions, including the main EU documents, in the context of “creative
pop-ups”, with the wide involvement of young people;

3 In the third phase, the results of the discussions, with the active involvement of young
European artists, are adapted by the participants, who organise exhibitions and collective
installations with the idea of restoring the multiculturality in an expressive key, keeping
past and present together in a multi-vocality and poly-focus of contributions and visions;

4 Subsequently, multimedia products for dissemination are created in a participatory way.

• The element of innovation is the elaboration of memories through the media typical of
contemporary art (public art, media art, interactive art, relational art, collective art,
installation art, land art), which can favor the adaptation in a personal and emotional way:
the strong power of signification of art predisposes the participants to critical thinking, to
contact with their emotions and the desire to make history and freedom of expression their

• A mix of practices is designed which, placed with the artistic component, will involve
citizens even more deeply: debates on documents produced by the EU, conferences,
publications, creation of a multimedia hypertext, narrative use of digital humanities tools.