Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Developing Entrepreneurship and Self-employment Skills of Immigrants
Bremen, Germany
Dates: 2020-2022
Sixs partners from Germany, Netherlands, Turkey, Lithuania, Sweden and Greece have started Erasmus+ Strategic partnership project “Developing Entrepreneurship and Self-employment Skills of Immigrants” No.2020-1-DE02-KA204-007423
Migrants’ contribution to the economy through the direct creation of new businesses is an aspect that has received limited attention. In order to enhance the entrepreneurial skills, it is crucial to create, develop and promote the new forms and ways to support growth and business creation.
Our project is looking for both: to promote the entrepreneurship education of immigrants and to use the entrepreneurship as an important tool of integration and social inclusion for the
immigrants regards so many exclusion factors that they have to suffer. The situation of immigrants has motivated this partnership to create the best tools possible to gain
entrepreneurial adequate skills and competencies, based on successful real-life experiences of entrepreneurs will contribute to the shaping of unemployed immigrants into future
entrepreneurs, helping them to fight the social and economic exclusion.
Our strategic partnership focus on promoting access and learning through Open Educational Resources (OER), supporting ICT-based teaching training. In the field of adult
education, the partnership aims to improve and extend the offer of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to individual adult learners, including through innovative ways of outreached delivery. All of that is an essence of entrepreneurship experience journey as an important integration tool for immigrants. Project idea comes from the result of a previous
collaboration of the partnership in the projects related to entrepreneurship education and training, which serve as an important base to keep this journey on and benefit from its social
implication in the field of adult education.
The main objectives of our project that will help to achieve all of that are as follows:
• To develop and create more efficient and innovative training focused on entrepreneurship and self-employment for immigrants.
• To transform and integrate the entrepreneurship as a new tool for social integration and inclusion among immigrants;
• To integrate and complement social inclusion methods with practical and innovative methodology according to immigrants with fewer opportunities needs;
• To motivate immigrants in order to spread and facilitate their access to self-employment
All major expected results are listed & detailed in the Intellectual Output of the project;
-DESSI Training Manual and the training programme which will improve the awareness, experience and skills required for trainers willing to educate immigrants. This course will have
all documentation, resources and guidance for mentors included and is functioning independently of any outside involvement.
DESSI Online Platform; The main aim of this output is to create a platform that will deliver a uniquely innovative and creative environment focused on providing an online Learning
The platform will provide an online space for immigrant entrepreneurs to develop a network with entrepreneurs from partner countries. By the intellectual outputs, we will create a new
approach, training materials and resources to reach the immigrants to develop their entrepreneurial skills.