
Project overview: 

EU citizens benefit from some of the highest environmental standards in the world. The EU andnational governments have set precise goals to steer European environmental policy up to 2020 and have developed a vision that goes as far as 2050, with the support of specific research programs,regulations and funding. The issue of climate change is very important especially among the youngest, as demonstrated by the success achieved by the “Fridays For Future” movement,headed by the young Greta Thunberg. Young people are the first to take action to ensure a future on a livable planet, something impossible if we continue to produce inefficiently, without considering the irreversible effects on climate change. Participation of young people, the real victims of the consequences of climate change. The exchange of ideas and good practices is essential to try to solve such an urgent problem. The possibility oftraveling and discovering ways of thinking different from one’s own is a very important culturalheritage, which can only be achieved through the Erasmus + program, which gives an extra gear to young people who have the opportunity to participate in these experiences. The program involvesEuropean partners and is not only activated in our country as it is necessary to understand how other countries are facing or are planning to tackle the problem of climate change.

We believe that artistic language can effectively convey some messages. Since 2004 Aeris organizes a street art festival performed near Milan. This long experience has allowed us to acquire a know-how about the potential of street art and the effectiveness it can have in communicating importantmessages.Art is a simple and effective tool that all can participate in. Art can act as a non–verballanguage that is accessible to all regardless of gender, social standing, political affiliation or religion. Sustainability and environmental protection are urgent and deeply felt issues by the younggenerations. We consider environment topic to focus on the future and the responsibility of future generations to create a better world for all. The urgency is not only at local level (considering that the province of Monza and Brianza is among the most polluted in Italy, in fact in 2018 it exceeded the level of PM10 by 140 days in a year) but also international. The proposed activities will be aimed at creating artistic performances or installations to raise awareness of the importance and urgency of taking care of the planet. At the end of the exchange week the performances will be played or shown in thestreets and will involve the community. The purpose of the exchange will continue besides the end of the experience. The idea is to create a flashmob to promote environmental messages and disseminate it across Europe via the web.


Project Objectives:

• Ensure everyone including young people knows the effect of their actions on the environment;

• Empower the entire society especially young people to act as agents of change for environmental and sustainable development;

• Promote resilient behaviours to trackle climate changes; • Bring out the value of open air spaces assigned to social life and enforce the cohesion inside communities;

• Create new routes for exchange and integration between Europeancountries.

• Ensure everyone especially young people has access to eco-friendlyinfrastructure for living a more sustainable lifestyle

• To be creative and express ideas through art


Date and venue: from 11-09-2020 (arrival) to 17-09-2020 (departure) 8 participants per country (group leader included)


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